Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I talk to myself

My name is Emma. Thanks for asking. I'm writing a blog because I like to write, and I like to write things
that don't need a plot as a spine, and all of those things that give literature a pulse and a little bit of depth. This is like recreation for my brain, which could become a challenge because I am such a perfectionist. But I'll get over it. It's the Internet, why would anything need to be perfect? Ha, there's no way that there is a whole world of critics waiting to judge me behind their computer screens.

This post does have a purpose.The porpoise of this post is to talk about mammals that look like fat dolphins. 

Just kidding, my humor isn't that bad.

Just kidding again, I laughed at that joke. Feel free to leave anytime.

Anyway, this post is introductory. I think that I have a little bit of humor and some intelligent things to offer. This blog could serve as a kick start for a mind ready to evolve. My general idea of what I will write about is that I will discuss books and music and pop culture and things like that. I also have a smorgasbord of stories about my very large family and experiences from school. I like to think that I have good humor, but if that is not true, I don't want to force it. Humor is extremely welcome, and I do hope that it will find its way into my voice.

 I will be writing every week, maybe three to five times. I'm not aiming for a specific audience, although I really would prefer people who can offer feedback, good or bad. More specifically, I prefer people who can say what they want to say without making themselves look like morons. We can all speak the English language, and I hope people will put their best effort into something as important as our primary source of communication. It bugs me when people obviously don't even try to spell a word correctly, and they use like numbers and stuff. Come on, people. We are not playing bingo, and using a Z instead of an S does not make you cool. You made more effort to put a Z where it doesn't belong than just spelling the word right. I will listen to everyone's opinions, but when you pump your comments full of profanity all I see is "I'm aggressive and stupid and too lazy to make my point clear in an intelligent way". It's difficult for me to take these people seriously. As Maggie Smith said, "Vulgarity is no substitute for wit". Just so you know. 

Actually to write this post I had to ask myself questions and try to make sense of everything that way. It was way more difficult than it should have been. The first draft of it was like a Q&A thing with myself. I felt so pathetic that I changed it.

So there you have a little glimpse of me. I talk to myself to organize my thoughts, I am a Grammar Nazi and I like puns. But that's only a glimpse. I'll talk about myself more later.